Chimichurri Cheesesteak


Most native Philadelphians will tell you, “Don’t mess with the Philly Cheesesteak!”  I mean really, how can you possibly improve on melted cheese and fried onions smothered over thinly sliced ribeye steak?  Well people always try, it’s just our nature.  Pizza sauce, ketchup, mushrooms, peppers, lettuce, mayo, it’s all been thrown at Philly’s beloved sandwich.

Since others have already taken the bold step to take the cheesesteak to new heights, we proudly offer our own version of this Philadelphia staple, of course with an Argentine flair.

The Chimichurri Cheesesteak:

(Recipe makes 1 Sandwich)

8-10 oz. Chopped (Very thinly sliced) Ribeye Steak or Chicken Steak

3 Slices Provolone Cheese (For a true Argentine taste, try to find some Provoleta cheese and substitute accordingly)

1/3 cup chopped onions

1 Long Crusty Hoagie/Steak Roll

4 Tablespoons Che Amigo Authentic Argentine Chimichurri

On a frying pan or griddle (Or your gaucho grill with a griddle plate) sauté the onions with a tablespoon of the chimichurri and set aside.  Next step, fry up the steak.  Use 2 tablespoons of the chimichurri with the steak.  It will infuse the meat with the zesty and garlicky flavor that will make this sandwich distinct.  When chopped and fried to your desired consistency, add the sautéed onions and top with the provolone cheese.  Once the cheese has melted transfer to a traditional crusty steak roll.  Top with a tablespoon of the chimichurri and you are good to go.

Of course, living in Philly, the easiest way may be to just buy a cheesesteak from your local steak shop and use the chimichurri as a topping, but cooking the actual steak and onions in the sauce really does take it to the next level.

We’d love to hear what you think about this recipe and also the different ways you jazz up your own cheesesteak.  Let us know, we’re always looking for new food twists and turns.