
It's All About the Wood

Let's talk about wood!

Making sure you have the right wood is an important part of the grilling process! Look for seasoned dried hardwoods, which burn hotter and last longer than softer woods such as pine. Woods like hickory, ash, beech or oak, or from fruit trees like cherry or almond are the best.

You can also add more distinct flavors by using soaked wood chips or mesquite chunks! What's your favorite wood to use for grilling?

A Gaucho Grill for the Win

Did you know? Our grills are made for all-weather durability. The entire grill frame, grill carriage, and ‘V’ channel grill plates are constructed from 304 stainless steel. Plus all of the hardware used in the assembly is constructed of 316 stainless steel.

Talk about heavy duty!

Featuring @lucasiturbide Supremo installation

Tips for Grilling Fish on Your Gaucho Grill

Tips for Grilling Fish on Your Gaucho Grill

Compared to sausage, steaks and chicken, fish can seem like a minor league player trying to compete against a team of all-stars.

And yes, flounder cooked in a pan in your kitchen is no match for a nice thick steak at a backyard barbecue. But put fish on your Gaucho Grill, and all bets are off. Grilling brings out the best in fish. Here are a few tips to get started.